We are a team of volunteers who are passionate about devoting our gifts and talents to lead people in genuine, deep worship. We love to create an atmosphere for people to worship and encounter God through music – to experience Him, respond to Him and be changed by Him! Above all, we desire for God to be glorified through everything we do as a worship team.
We value the uniqueness of each team member and the contribution they bring to the team. We are creating a culture of love, encouragement, and a desire to grow in both our musical skills and our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. In this environment we can thrive and give our best without any pressure to perform.
We meet every Wednesday night from 7-9pm. The first hour is used to connect with each other, share some teaching/training and pray together, then we practice from 8-9pm.
If this is something you would like to be a part of we would love to hear from you and help you take your next step towards getting involved.
If your area of interest is Instrumental, Vocal, or Sound please click on the button below, fill in the Info Form and we will be in touch with you.
If your area of interest is Projection, Live Streaming or other Media involvement Click Here.
Kimberley & Paulette