PROF!T – Our monthly Prophetic Training Night



These prophetic training nights are generally held on the last Sunday night of the month, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. They are open to any people who want to grow in their ability to hear from God and communicate what they hear in a way that is relevant and easy to understand.

There is always a good mix of teaching, demonstration and times of sharing with each other what we have received prophetically from the Lord. These are great times of activation – putting into practice what we've just been taught.

Prophetic Teaching (Part 1) 26th Feb 2023

Click on the button below to listen to Part 2 of this teaching.
Part 2
Doing Prophecy Well In Meetings
Janet Chambers
Listen Now
The Varied Ways that God Communicates
Lyn Packer
Listen Now
Steps to Growing in Your Prophetic Gift
Janet Chambers
Listen Now
Prophetic Intercession
Janet Chambers
Listen Now



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